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Recipe : Famous Betawinese Nasi Uduk

    Because it is cooked in coconut milk with minimalist spices, nasi uduk requires the presence of side dishes. It could be as simple as fried tempe and tofu, salted fish and sambal or more savory dish like fried chicken, etc. The aromatic, soft and savory rice is best served with a mild chilli sauce made from candlenuts and sometimes adding peanuts. Now lets make your nasi uduk!

Main Ingredients :
  1. 250 gr rice
  2. 350 gr thick coconut
Spices :
  1. 2 lemongrass ( bruised)
  2. 2 Indonesian bay leaves
  3. Salt to taste
How To Make :
  1. Wash and drain rice. Using a pot, cook the rice along with coconut milk, lemongrass and indonesian bay leaves. When the rice is half cooked, transfer to a traditional rice steamer. Continue until the rice is coked though. Note : Adding just one kaffir lime leaf could significantly intensify the aroma and flavor of the rice.
  2. Place rice on a serving plate. Garnish with fried shallots, serve with side dishes such as fried tofu/tempe, fried chicken, sweet fried beef and others.