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Recipe : Famous Vegetarian Tempe Satai

  Tempe is one of traditional food in Indonesia. Made from Soybean, tempe can serve by fried, or make a soup, many more. And this time we will grill the tempe into a satai. Satai usually made from chicken, beef. But now lets we make the vegetarian satai version with Tempe!

Main Ingredient :
  1. 400 gr tempe ( cut into dice shape)
  2. Skewers
  3. 6 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  4. 1 lime leaves
  5. 3 tbsp tamarind juice
  6. 1 tsp salt
  7. 1 tbsp sugar
  8. Water
Ground Spices :
  1. 1 garlic cloves
  2. 4 red chillies
  3. 4 green chillies
  4. 1 tsp shrimp paste
  5. 1 tbsp coriander
How To Make :
  1. In food processor or mortar and pestle grind the ground spices to a smooth paste.
  2. Heat a little cooking oil, sautee the spice paste. Add lime leaves, sweet soy sauce and tamarind juice.
  3. Prepare a bowl with water, add salt and sugar. Soak the tempe in those bowl.
  4. In a small heat on spice pan, put the soaked tempe until the spice absorb well or in around 30 minutes.
  5. After that, took the tempe and stick that to skewers.
  6. Grill the tempe satai while rub the remaining spices on pan.
  7. Your Tempe Satai ready to serve!