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★★★★★ 999 Reviews: My BEST #Recipes >> Winter-Citrus butter-Lachs.

★★★★★ 999 Reviews: My BEST #Recipes >> Winter-Citrus butter-Lachs.

#drink >> #cookies >> #pasta >> #food >> #chocolate >> #keto >> #bread >> #easy >> #vegetarian >> #cake >> #healthy >> #cooking

This food is made from selected ingredients and is still fresh. Many benefits if we consume these foods, one of which makes our bodies become healthier. 

This food is also suitable for consumption by all ages. We can serve it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And we can make it ourselves at home. So, try it

You’ll Need:

  • 1 (2-Pfund) Lachsfilet
  • 1 Knoblauchzehe, gehackt
  • 1 1/2 Esslöffel brauner Zucker
  • 1 Teelöffel frisch geriebene Zitronenschale
  • 1/2 Teelöffel Salz
  • 1/4 Teelöffel Pfeffer
  • 1 1/2 EL Olivenöl
  • 1 Blutorange, dünn geschnitten


  • 3 Esslöffel ungesalzene Butter, geschmolzen
  • 1 Esslöffel gehackte frische Kräuter (Basilikum, Oregano, Salbei, Thymian, etc.)
  • Prise Salz

Winter Zitrus Salsa

  • 1 Blutorange, segmentiert und gehackt
  • 1 cara cara orange, segmentiert und gehackt
  • 1 kleine Schalotte, gewürfelt
  • 1/2 Jalapenopfeffer, entkernt und gewürfelt
  • 2 Esslöffel frisch gehackter Koriander
  • Saft von 1 Limette
  • Prise Salz und Pfeffer

How to Make:

  • Heizen Sie den Broiler in Ihrem Ofen zu hoch und stellen Sie den Ofenständer ungefähr 6 Zoll darunter.
  • Legen Sie den Lachs auf ein Backblech. In einer Schüssel braunen Zucker, Salz, Pfeffer, Knoblauch und Zitronenschale verrühren. Fügen Sie das Olivenöl hinzu, um ein nasses Einreiben zu machen. Reiben Sie die Mischung über den ganzen Lachs. Legen Sie die Blutorangenscheiben darauf.
  • Den Lachs 6 bis 8 Minuten grillen, oder bis er mit einer Gabel undurchsichtig und schuppig ist. Mit der Kräuterbutter beträufeln und mit der Winter-Zitrus-Salsa servieren. Ich esse auch gerne auf einem Salat mit Feta oder mit einer braunen Reis + Quinoa Mischung!


  • Die zerlassene Butter, frische Kräuter und Salz verrühren.
  • Winter Zitrus Salsa
  • Alle Zutaten zusammen in einer Schüssel verrühren. Dies dauert etwa einen Tag in einem verschlossenen Behälter im Kühlschrank.

Thank you for coming to my blog and enjoyed to try to make this food at home, good luck

CLICK ==> Original recipe here -->  

★★★★★ 999 Reviews: My BEST #Recipes >> WINTER CITRUS BUTTER SALMON.

#drink >> #cookies >> #pasta >> #food >> #chocolate >> #keto >> #bread >> #easy >> #vegetarian >> #cake >> #healthy >> #cooking

This food is made from selected ingredients and is still fresh. Many benefits if we consume these foods, one of which makes our bodies become healthier. 

This food is also suitable for consumption by all ages. We can serve it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And we can make it ourselves at home. So, try it

You’ll Need:

1 (2-pound) salmon filet
1 garlic clove, minced
1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1 blood orange, thinly sliced
herb butter

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 tablespoon chopped fresh herbs (basil, oregano, sage, thyme, etc)
pinch of salt
winter citrus salsa

1 blood orange, segmented and chopped
1 caracara orange, segmented and chopped
1 small shallot, diced
1/2 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
2 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro
juice of 1 lime
pinch of salt and pepper

How to Make:

Preheat the broiler in your oven to high and set the oven rack about 6 inches below it.

Place the salmon on a baking sheet. In a bowl, stir together the brown sugar, salt, pepper, garlic, and lemon zest. Add the olive oil to make a wet rub. Rub the mixture all over the salmon. Place the blood orange slices on top.

Broil the salmon for 6 to 8 minutes, or until just opaque and flakey with a fork. Drizzle with the herb butter and serve with the winter citrus salsa. I also like to eat this on a salad with feta or with brown rice + quinoa blend!

herb butter

Stir together the melted butter, fresh herbs, and salt.

winter citrus salsa

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until combined. This will last for about a day in a sealed container in the fridge.

Thank you for coming to my blog and enjoyed to try to make this food at home, good luck

CLICK ==> Original recipe here -->